Sidewalk Film - &YOU&ME&US&

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A video by Lisa Iglesias

February 26 - March 31, 2021
The video will be played on a continuous loop from 7pm-7am every night.

Cross Pollination Art Lab, 2450 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30324
You can view the video from the sidewalk on the corner of Piedmont Rd NE and Morosgo Dr NE
(the viewing window faces Piedmont).

&YOU&ME&US& is a looped video composed of chapters that, rather than serving as conventional narratives, pivot around related concepts regarding time and change. The current structure of the video will continually allow for additional chapters to be drawn, added, and projected. &YOU&ME&US& was created through sequencing ink on paper drawings and digital rotoscope drawings.

Lisa Iglesias explores expansive histories and potentials of drawing and painting, takes into consideration the translation of patterns, images and gestures across materials, and is deeply affected by her role as a mother.

Dayna Thacker