Hannah Chalew

Hannah Chalew
Feature Article
The Scene: Hannah Chalew
American Craft Council
January 2024

“Chalew’s family moved from Baltimore to New Orleans when she was 12, so “I can’t claim to be a native but I definitely consider myself to be ‘from’ New Orleans.” She describes her hometown as “an incredibly beautiful city, both architecturally and because of the lush tropical landscape that envelops the built environment. People living in New Orleans really value arts and culture, and there is a spirit of creativity endemic to this place. However, this is also a city plagued by crumbling infrastructure, poverty, and violent crime. New Orleans, like America as a whole, is still haunted by the legacies of colonization and enslavement which endure through structural racism that leaves a lot of people, mostly Black, living precariously, struggling to get by. Our city is also perched on the bleeding edge of climate change; as our coast erodes, mostly because of interventions by…” Read more

Hannah Chalew
American Craft Magazine